Innovative Learning Management System That Meets Your Specific Needs

Exceptional outcomes come after exceptional foundations. Designed for educational organizations that know the difference, Classlight is a well-customized product by Classera developed to suit your special requirements, offering efficient solution based on your school size. Elevate your learning process. Empower your success story.

Single AI-Powered Platform Simplified By Leading EdTech Partners

Why Classlight?

Not an average LMS, it’s open and extensible. Classlight is the power of each member of your organization to amplify teaching and reshape learning.


All the top-notch tools to maximize performance, support revenues, attract students, engage families, and set an inspiring community.


All the smart engaging tools enhanced to unite everyone involved through captivating educational interactions to help students reach their potential.


All the advanced content-creation tools for personalized learning experiences to cement a well-tuned environment based on data-driven strategies.

A Highly Customizable System Settled on Advanced Technologies

An absolute masterclass LMS that make any dream objectives achievable. Classlight brings innovation and professional functionality to create one tailored learning paths even with small-sized school. Get a full suite of technology solution even if there is no preparation within your facility.

Cloud Technology

Sufficient storage space to save all the data related to your institution, including your students, teachers, staff, curricula data and more.

Backup Services

No need to worry about losing any data, as you will have a secure database protected with automatic backup processes lead by our skillful team.

Extendable Storage

Automatically scalable storage services to accommodate the growing number of users, ensuring that you won’t face any issues with slow performance or lag.

Security and Encryption

Classlight is secure and supported by modern encryption technologies that address advanced cyber threats, with continuous updates to your system.

AI-Augmented, Human Focus Platform That Transform the World of Learning

Embrace diversity by greater features to simulate productivity, increase efficiency, and put accessibility in each component of your learning processes.

Manage Daily Classes

Have an easy-access dashboard that brings students and teachers together in one place and analyzes everyone's performance and interactions.

Create Tests and Quizzes

Add any tests, assignments, or just a survey to evaluate learners and your material and distribute certificates. Then generate detailed statistics and reports.

Host Virtual Discussions

Set up online rooms easily for additional classes, webinars, or activities and send automatic reminders and instant messages.

Build Your Digital libraries

Banish boring curricula and build your own content with ease. Let your students get the most out of question-gamified bank.

Get An Ecosystem for All Your Needs

Get one single system to connect your K-12 community through EdTech solutions that’s easily integrated to your LMS.

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Educational Organizations We Uplift and Serve

All-in-one platform that helps thousands in the educational sector to have a strong learning culture to blaze a trail of learning experiences.

Fill In The Gaps In Your Educational District With Classlight

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